Nova Ourivesaria no Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
The first public presentation of Ar.Co’s Jewellery department happens in 1985 with the exhibition “Nova Ourivesaria no Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga/New Goldsmithing at the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga”, a collaboration involving ICEP and the Centro Nacional de Design. 83 pieces by 4 professors and 12 students are on display, the participants being Alexandra Serpa Pimentel, Filomeno Pereira de Sousa, José Francisco Correia Sanches, Madalena Avellar, Madalena Rosalis, Manuel Júlio, Maria da Conceição Costa Cabral, Maria da Conceição São Marcos, Maria de Jesus Natividade, Maria João Salema, Marília Maria Mira, Nancy Gardner, Paula Crespo, Pedro Cruz, Rosária Lopes and Tereza Seabra.